Fractional Leadership Solutions | We Help Owners and Founders Exit Their Business to Start the Next Chapter

Fractional COO/VP of Operations

To help your business get ready, we provide you with Operations expertise. For one day a week, you receive the executive guidance you need for your exit.

Fractional Leadership Roundtable

If you need the help but either budget or time prevent you from taking advantage of our Fractional Leadership, then possibly the roundtable is for you.

Industry Agnostic Solutions

We serve all industries; this is because we choose to focus on developing businesses that are fundamentally strong, enabling them to successfully deliver for clients.

Business Statistics

Why Evan Duke Enterprises' Fractional Leadership Services is Your Solution

70 %

Of Businesses fail to sell

5 Years

When most founders begin to exit

2 Years

The length of time to prepare your business to exit

9 Months

The typical M & A transaction can take this long (or longer)

Why Business Exits Are So Difficult to Accomplish

Challenges We Seek to Address


Reason #1

Disagreement Over Valuation

The big reason that businesses fail to sell is because owners or founders disagree over the valuation that is presented to them


Reason #2

The Owner Views the Business as a Child

The owner or founder has become so attached to the business that any change is viewed negatively, even ones that are necessary.

past decisions

Reason # 3

Past Decisions

Another big reason that owners or founders struggle in the M & A process is the business being handicapped due to past decisions.


Reason #4

Organizational Structure

A major reason that business exits are so challenging to accomplish is that the business is built around the owner/founder and will collapse if they leave.